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Principles and Techniques of Social Influence - Robert Cialdini (1995)

Posted on:October 8, 2022 at 12:00 AM

This post is part of the ongoing series of reading reflections on HCI papers and articles. You can find the other posts ‘here.’

Principles and Techniques of Social Influence - Robert Cialdini (1995)

Available online at:

The article discusses some of the most powerful principles that motivate us to comply with another’s request:

While I agree that these are proven ways to get users to comply, I felt most of the methods discussed to be manipulative, deceptive and unethical. I think that the article is a good reminder that we should be aware of the ways that we are being influenced and manipulated and that we should be careful not to use these methods ourselves.

Software should be designed to be used as tools, with specific goals in mind, with its users as its primary benefactors. Therefore, software design must be based on a thorough understanding of the users’ needs and goals, rather than manipulating or altering users’ behavior for the sake of the software’s goals.

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