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The Cognitive Science of Visual-Spatial Displays: Implications for Design - Mary Hegarty (2011)

Posted on:November 8, 2022 at 12:00 AM

This post is part of the ongoing series of reading reflections on HCI papers and articles. You can find the other posts ‘here.’

The Cognitive Science of Visual-Spatial Displays: Implications for Design

Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

This article reviews the cognitive principles that have been used to inform the design of visual displays. It selectively reviews literature that focuses on the principles that have been most influential in the design of visual displays. The article is organized around the following questions: What are the cognitive principles that have been used to inform the design of visual displays? How have these principles been used to inform the design of visual displays? What are the key challenges in designing visual displays?

Some of the points from the readings that I found interesting are:

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